Friday, November 6, 2015

The Perfidy of Chummie - By Chummie and For Chummie.

Perfidy [pur-fi-dee]
Deliberate breach of faith or trust; faithlessness; treachery: 
Perfidy that goes unpunished.

An apt description of matters at Theos Medical Systems and its owner Saket Bhatia, and extending to their absurdly over-hyped and falsely promoted product name of Chummie, and the affliction of the Public by this triumvirate which lacks sufficient ethics.  Some of their many transgressions have been pointed out by

Honorable Edward M. Chen
CASE NO. 3”13-cv=05236-EMC
DATED: July 14, 2015

This CONSENT DECREE AND ORDER, signed by Saket Bhatia, stipulated, in part:
"8. DEFENDANTS will submit, through Amazon Vendor Central, a letter from their attorneys to Amazon’s Buyers Review Team and Item Update Creation Team. The letter will ask for the removal of all nonverified reviews of Chummie products on all Amazon websites posted between June 1, 2014 and March 31, 2015 on the grounds that the validity of the reviews has come into question. This letter will be sent within 10 days of entry of this Consent Decree. If the subject reviews are not removed within 45 days of the date the letter is sent, DEFENDANTS will send, through Amazon Vendor Central, a second letter from their attorneys to Amazon’s Buyers Review Team and Item Update Creation Team. The second letter will reference this Agreement and the Court’s Consent Decree, and will identify the specific nonverified reviews to be removed."

Specifically, we continue to point out:
“the removal of all nonverified reviews of Chummie products on all Amazon websites posted between June 1, 2014 and March 31, 2015 on the grounds that the validity of the reviews has come into question.”

There is no question what-so-ever that Saket Bhatia, directly or through surrogates, made cash payments to persons to post false/fake reviews on Saket Bhatia, by signing this decree and order, admitted to having paid cash to such individuals, and agreed that:
“DEFENDANTS will refrain from making cash payments to individuals in exchange for reviews of their products.”

As of November 5, 2015, looking at ALL of the Chummie products listed on, with one exception,they ALL  continued to contain non-verified reviews listed on which fell within the proscribed time period. The only exception was:
Chummie Replacement One Drop Detection Intelliflex Mat for Chummie Pro Bedwetting Alarm   from Chummie   5 customer reviews
This is one of Chummie’s much less known products, for which all 5 reviews were by Verified Purchasers. Even here, applying our basic standards for honest reviews, described in our post on October 23, 2015, the only two favorable reviews would qualify as suspect, while two of the three unfavorable reviews would be considered to be non-suspect. So might the two 5-star reviews have been placed through the corruption of Theos/Bhatia? It is a distinct possibility.

ALL other Chummie products are STILL IN DEFIANCE  of the Honorable Judge’s Order. This is about THREE MONTHS AFTER Theos/Bhatia should have completely cleaned up their fakery and perfidy on .

We completely understand that removing these fake reviews would hurt Theos/Bhatia in their continuing charade about their antiquated products. We can only hope that by bringing their perfidy to the attention of the public, that the public would act according to the moral compass of American society to refute Theos/Bhatia’s continuing abuse.

Unfortunately, we doubt that anything would change the basic mentality and instincts of the owners of Chummie. For example, snakes instinctively lash out at anything they construe might be harmful to them. Perfidy and unethical behavior may be all we can expect.

And we have many more instances of Theos/Bhatia’s perfidy which we shall continue to bring to the attention of the Public. But first, we continue to present how dependent Theos/Chummie/Bhatia are on the manipulations of reviews on Amazon, as their products are completely deflated on eBay.

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