since we started this blog on June 4, 2013 it quickly became very apparent that
Theos Medical Systems with their Chummie bed wetting alarm product(s) lacked
credibility or conscience with respect to their ethics and behavior. There are
already about fifty articles about Theos and Chummie in this blog, and none of
them are complimentary. About the beginning of October, 2014, even Amazon,
which was two of the legs of Theos's three-legged stool, dismissed Theos
Medical Systems from being a vendor on Amazon.com because of their continuing
and severe violations of Amazon.com's policies and standards for ethical seller
behavior. Much of this has been addressed on our blog entry dated December 24,
2014 which can be found at
Amazon and Chummie - Is this Relationship Bad or Troublesome for the Consumer and Amazon's Customer?
Amazon banned Theos Medical Systems ("Theos") from being a
seller on Amazon.com because of severe violations by Theos of Amazon's
and standards for ethical behavior by a seller, Theos continues his
presence on Amazon.com . First it was through the pseudonym of
"onlybestdeals," and now directly through Amazon. We'll let you guess as
to who "onlybestdeals" may be! As banning
Theos from Amazon was a very serious action that Amazon took after
and verifying substantial evidence about Theos's bad behavior, we wonder
Amazon is tolerating "onlybestdeals" as being a seller/provider on
Amazon.com, or why Amazon feels obligated to even carry the Chummie
alarm products as a seller. We
have determined that Theos/Chummie are quite unscrupulous, and will do
they can get away with to remain on Amazon. Why does Amazon tolerate
Theos (or Theos's proxy) has been promoting and manipulating the Chummie Elite
on Amazon in much the same way that it promoted and manipulated the original
Chummie. Theos's antics on the internet (and on Amazon.com) have been unethical
and conducted with so much "chutspah" and apparent immunity that
Theos has developed quite a following. The blog
Theos's behavior on Amazon after August 1, 2014 and the abundant use of shills.
There is a substantial focus on the Chummie Elite at
amply illustrates Theos's methods of first using shills, and when they were
adequately exposed, using Amazon Vine Reviewers very abundantly to get a very
generous number of high stars ratings.
is like a kid who keeps testing the limits of what he can get away with till he
gets smacked. And he tests the limits again till he gets smacked again. This is
a non-ending process with Theos, and the powers that are responsible for
monitoring and smacking down such parties must remain alert to this penchant
and habit so that it does not become excessive or exploitative.
In this period after August 1, 2014 through the date of this posting, the
Chummie Elite has a total of 205 Verified Reviews, of which 164 (80%) are
Amazon Vine Reviews with take-it-for-granted generally very high stars, and
only 41 genuine Verified Purchasers, with 20 positive and 21 negative using
Amazon's system. Using only the Verified Purchasers, who have a true opinion of
the Chummie Elite on which they have spent their money and actually used, using Amazon's
rating system would give the Chummie Elite an average of 2.95, a far smaller
number than is showing on Amazon. These numbers come from the statistics posted
on the fraudonamazonreviews site mentioned above in 2. above.
5. Amazon's customers are rejecting Theos/Chummie's hype about his bedwetting alarms. The Chummie Elite has very poor ratings on Amazon as well as eBay. On eBay, where an exact count of sales is provided, Chummie Elite's poor sales compared to DryBuddyEZ and WetStop3 are very apparent at the bottom of the above table. Chummie Elite's sales on Amazon are equally poor, in spite of Theos/Chummie giving away well over 150 units to Vine reviewers who usually give superlative ratings, artificially raising the Amazon reviews average. The actual Amazon Verified Purchaser numbers and opinions certainly demonstrate a poor opinion of the Chummie Elite, commensurate with the Chummie Elite's poor performance on eBay.
long is Amazon going to support
and "carry" and directly sell these poor selling and inferior Chummie
products? Is this really in Amazon's best interests, as opposed to
Theos/Chummie's? A very detailed and impartial technical comparison of
all wired bedwetting alarms can be found at
Theos is feeling the heat
of poor performance on an inferior over-hyped and over-priced product,
as we are seeing a proliferation of maliciously abusive and defamatory
blogs being generated by fictitious "authors." The style, content,
and absurd (crazy?) rants, repeated time and again, and directed towards
Theos's well proclaimed "competitive adversaries"
(our quotes) makes it very likely that these senseless blogs and entries
at Theos/Chummie.
Can Amazon not notice how Theos is running up his Chummie Elite ratings on
Amazon.com? Are the decision-makers at Amazon impervious to facts? Are the
executives and legal department at Amazon aware of what is happening and have
consciously and knowingly approved of this? Or is this something that is being
perpetrated by someone at Amazon who may have a special relationship with
Theos, and may be flying under Amazon's radar? We find this matter of Theos
"providing" Amazon's customers with what we consider to be undeserved
ratings of the Chummie Elite in Amazon's Reviews to be very disturbing.
Theos's poor credibility and abominable
behavior is well known, and even Amazon has smacked Theos. But there are many
valid questions about Amazon's continuing behavior towards Theos/Chummie that
merit close examination and substantial explanations, both within Amazon and
outside Amazon. To our non-legal eye this matter between Amazon and Theos/Chummie
seems to be rigged, and not in the best interests of Amazon's customers or
stockholders if
1. The credibility of
Amazon's much-vaunted Review System is blemished and credibility suffers.
2. Theos and/or its Chummie
product(s), relative to their competition on Amazon.com, are uniquely allowed
to use or abuse Amazon's resources to develop or maintain an unfair advantage
relative to their competitors on Amazon.com's Reviews System, who are not
allowed such use of Amazon's resources.
3. Is Amazon going to allow
Theos/Chummie to keep the high-valued reviews that we have demonstrated comes
from his unabashedly exploiting Amazon's flawed review system? Or will Amazon
respect all competitors evenly and strip away these reviews which only Theos could
obtain and did so to an unconscionable degree?
We sincerely hope that Amazon will
examine these matters very carefully and address them adequately.
We shall keep the Amazon-eBay statistics for Chummie Elite continued on our next blog entry.
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